Burak Sevinç

布拉克·塞文,Graduated from Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Design, Department of Music and Performing Arts. Plays zither and oud (Traditional Turkish instruments), guitar and violin. Plays all type of percussion instruments. Skills: Basketball, volleyball, handball, soccer. He's been playing music for over 16 years. He began acting in the series Babam Için (2011) by playing the neighborhood lad. Actually, there was always a desire to do acting, and that role was a chance for him. He appeared in the series Merhaba Hayat (2012) and Yol Ayrimi (2012). Also starred in the series Yalan Dünya (2012), Evli ve Öfkeli (2015), Ben Onu Çok Sevdim (2013), Kurtlar Vadisi: Pusu (2007). But he got the biggest fan base with the role of Fethi in the series Söz (2017).
