猫眼电影 > 幽浮搜索线


Uncovering Aliens
综艺 / 真人秀
IMDb 3.8

Across America, there are more UFO sightings than ever before. 6 million Americans believe they've had an actual physical encounter with an extra-terrestrial. What lies behind this increasing number of reports? Are these UFO's actually extra-terrestrial craft? And do our government know more than they are letting on? A team of four professional UFO investigators has come together to investigate the phenomena. They are travelling across America in attempt to hunt down the truth. This is no ordinary group of investigators. They bring a broad range of skills and experience to the subject to maximise their chance of success. From aeronautics engineering to personal abduction experience this team is unified by one common goal: to uncover the truth behind the growing claims that extra-terrestrial life exists here on planet earth.

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