猫眼电影 > it ain't necessarily so
it ain't necessarily so海报封面图

it ain't necessarily so

2008-04-22澳大利亚开播 / 42分钟

A high profile athlete is found badly injured from a vicious hammer attack. When he later accuses his team mate of being the attacker, Jack and Steve take sides over what should be done with the information. To Steve's immense and very vocal frustration Jack makes up his mind about the team mate's guilt and tells the police who cart him off for questioning. With the team mate already tried and convicted in the eyes of the media, Jack realises he might've made a terrible mistake when a second patient arrives suffering similar injuries. On Bart's first day back in the ED following the death of Ann-Maree, a shoot-from-the-lip deserted wife who can't stop talking about her failed relationship is probably the last thing Bart needs, or is it in fact exactly what he needs? Von is called in by Dan to offer home care options to devoted husband, Gavin, whose wife, Connie, is suffering chronic fatigue.


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