猫眼电影 > Black Mold Exposure
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Black Mold Exposure

2009-04-21美国上映 / 101分钟

Imagine becoming so sensitive to almost everything you're exposed to daily like common chemicals, furniture, foods, and pollen that it makes you so ill you can't function. You must isolate yourself from others. You become unable to work, the doctors don't believe you, and neither does your family. You're mocked and you struggle daily to maintain your surroundings and health. Watch this entertaining and shocking film as filmmaker Michael Roland Williams chronicles the agonizing struggle of those who have endured after being exposed to toxic mold. Most are still overwhelmed with debilitating symptoms years after exposure, while doctors, lawmakers, and attorneys take sides and dismiss their claims. Black Mold Exposure follows Michael Roland Williams, filmmaker, and Karen Noseff, founder and designer of Fortune Denim, struggling to regain their livelihood and well-being after they were unknowingly exposed to high levels of various molds that had infested Karen's apartment.

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