猫眼电影 > Adopt Me, Michael Jordan
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Adopt Me, Michael Jordan

2013-09-29美国上映 / 78分钟

Girl, Adopted is a contemporary coming-of-age story which follows Weynsht, an irrepressible, 13-year-old Ethiopian girl, from an orphanage to an adoptive American family. Weynsht`s story offers a rare, child`s-eye-view of being adopted across race and culture and growing up as a minority-of-one. It doesn`t take a pro - or anti- adoption stance, but acknowledges the complexity inherent in the increasingly common practice, and gives voice to the experience of being adopted as it is happening. The story revolves around the central questions: What is it like to get everything you need but lose everything you know?

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900