猫眼电影 > Equality


纪录片 / 历史
2010-02美国上映 / 6分钟

This inspirational, short documentary celebrates a most significant event of the Women's movement, the "Women's Strike for Equality", an unforgettable gathering of more than 50 thousand women and men that took place in New York City in the summer of 1970. The issues are as relevant for women around the world today as they were then. Filmmaker Al Sutton shares this event with the rare footage that takes us into the heart of the rally. We see the massive crowds unfold, and we see the enthusiasm and individuality of beautiful determined women. The "Women's Strike"was part of the Feminist Movement in the United States that started in the 1960's, and commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. Ravel's, "Pavane for a Dead Princess" comprises the musical score. Share the passion that moved a nation.

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