猫眼电影 > Prem Yog
Prem Yog海报封面图

Prem Yog


Maharaj Chatrapal Singh and his wife the Maharani are delighted when they become proud parents of a son - the heir to the thrown of Ramgad. Their delight is short-lived when the Palace Astrologer predicts that Chatrapal will be the last of the Maharajas for Ramgad, and no throne is destined for his son, Raju. Perturbed at this news, Chatrapal decides to protect Raju from the world, and makes him lead a secluded life within the four walls of the palace and it's surrounding grounds. Years later, Raju has grown up and his has arranged his marriage with a young woman of noble parentage. Raju is unhappy with this decision, and decides to run away with his bodyguard, Gulshan. They end up in Bombay city, where Raju starts to work as a waiter in a restaurant. He meets with and falls in love with a dancer and singer, Anita Sethi, who is the daughter of a wealthy man. Her father would like her to marry Jimmy Narang, son of the wealthy Mr. Narang, but Anita too falls in love with Raju. When ...

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