猫眼电影 > Varla Jean and the Mushroomheads
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Varla Jean and the Mushroomheads

2011-04-10美国上映 / 84分钟

In varla Jean and the mushroom heads is about varla a curious young teen who decides to go on an adventure there the forest her mother has cut off limits to but varla doesn't listen and go's on the adventure of her life on her adventure sh suddenly gets hungery and finds a patch of mushrooms she thinks to her self "the only poisonous part of a mushroom is the stem so I'll eat the heads" so she eats as many mushroom heads as she can to fill her self. But the mushrooms make her have hallucinations and the adventure continues when a pair of jeans start talking

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900