德莱格·奥尔泰努亚·马太演员 | 编剧
Draga Olteanu Matei

德莱格·奥尔泰努亚·马太,Draga Olteanu Matei is a famous Romanian film and theater actress and writer .She was born on October 24, 1933 in Bucuresti, Romania. She graduated from Institute of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in 1956.In 1960, she plays first role in the movie Telegrame.Other notable roles in films : Nea Marin miliardar(1977), Patima (1975) and Cucoana Chirita (1986). Play on the stage of the theater ''National I L Caragiale'' in Bucuresti. Was decorated on May 30, 2002 with the National Order of the Star of Romania in the rank of Knight and with the Order of the Romanian Crown in the rank of Officer. Was married with doctor Ion Matei.
