L'apropiació del descobriment d'Amèrica: una conspiració d'estat?
西班牙 / 72 分钟



Following a trail of clues indicated by a young historian, a woman discovers for herself and to the audience the historical falsification that shrouds all the facts related to the discovery and conquest of America. The character of Christopher Columbus was deliberately falsified by the kingdom of Castile and subsequently by the Spanish state in order to disguise the true Catalan nationality of the discoverer, concealing his origins, his family, his wife and children, the purpose of the voyage, his age, etc., in order to supplant him with a character from the same era, but who was in no way related to the historical facts and merely had the same name as the Admiral. An interesting theory that you need to know, based on the historian Jordi Bilbeny's book Brevíssima relació de la destrucció de la història.

