A Dark Rome
意大利 / 93 分钟



"A Dark Rome" is a thriller/black comedy set in a special Beauty Salon for priests located in the center of Rome. The young tattoo artist Patrick betrays his friend Frank. Patrick tells Gabriele, the owner of the Salon, that Frank is having an affair with his wife Greta. Gabriele doesn't just fire Frank, he kills him. The Ghost of Frank appears to Patrick urging him to go to the Police and tell them what happened. He wants his body to be found so Gabriele will be sent to prison for good. ... Gabriele instead wants Patrick to confess only to a priest in order to keep him from facing justice. Patrick's dilemma: the Police or the Priests? How is Patrick going to deal with the Ghost of Frank? This very special Beauty Salon is the perfect frame for Patrick to look for the answer.

