War: We Are All Neighbours
英国 / 53 分钟



Every night, the t.v. floods us with images of the war in former Yugoslavia. We see the victims of this cruel war, but often images remain abstract, unreal. This documentary shows the moment when the confidence and co-operation between Muslims and Croats in a Bosnian village deteriorate. When a British camera team pays a visit to the idyllic village early this year, an amazing tranquillity still reigns. Everybody lives peacefully alongside each other and people are convinced that the war will not be capable of dissolving their village community. But when the warfront is closing the trust between the villagers starts crumbling. Rumours about brutalities and fights in the vicinity raise the tension. Suspicion, fear and eventually even violence between villagers result in a disintegration of a community that until recently lived in harmony. Eight weeks after their first visit, the camera team returns to the village. It appears to be another village than the one they remembered. Nearly all Muslim houses have been destroyed and its former inhabitants have changed from villagers to refugees. Debbie Christie, the maker of this documentary, has made an attempt to give the victims a face and a voice, so they can be understood as individuals and not merely as symbols of collective suffering.
