인생은 투쟁이고 투쟁은 인생이다
韩国 / 26 分钟



<Life is a struggle, and struggle is a life> was a talk show hosted in the tent where held a tent sit-in for over a year in front of the Myeong-dong Catholic Cathedral in 2004. “Now, comrades are tired out, so am I...We should continue to have a meeting at night... That is very difficult, mentally. Well, we are roughing it lonely, can't also take a shower right...I say to them to sleep at night, but staying up late, because they almost have personal difficult problems...they are all alone...someone sits on the stairs, someone drinks, someone just wanders around like a madman, I can understand a little if drinking...stay up all through the night with drinking, because they don't drink they just wander around. They have that kind of problems... there is no place to exercise, and shouting, just arguing and they quarrel each other without any cause...argue without even any reason... just shout and argue with even a small problem, I don't know the reason... Anyone can struggle in one's home, also in one's life, and it is that kind of story... If people live in the struggle rathe than under just oppression and repression, may their lives be more beautiful? It has this meaning.” - From the ‘Life is a struggle, and struggle is a life’