Paxman In Brussels: Who Really Rules Us?
英国 / 60 分钟



Jeremy Paxman takes an impartial look at the fundamentals of what actually goes on between the UK and the EU, in this one-hour documentary. He travels to Brussels and walks the corridors of power in the EU’s headquarters, to discover how decisions that affect half a billion people - including all of us - are made. Paxman meets both officials and politicians from elsewhere in the EU to discover what makes Brussels tick. In interviews and lively encounters he hears the full spectrum of opinion on whether the UK should remain within the union or leave. Back in Britain, he explores how our relationship with the European Union and its predecessors has shaped Westminster politics for decades. He reveals unexpected stories and talks to key figures of many political stripes and differing convictions on the EU. Paxman explains the process by which laws made in the EU pass onto our statute books. And he examines why the concept of ‘sovereignty’ has long played a part in our national debate about Brussels. The programme reveals just how the decisions made in Brussels are now part of all our lives, and asks how our relationship with Europe might change - whatever the referendum outcome.

