Tomthin Shija



A young lad, Tomthin Rajkumar, is an aspiring model who has been living with her divorcee mother Dr. Ayingbi Shija, who is an Archaeologist, and his grandparents at her Grandparent's house. As Tomthin's will to become a successful model increases, his mother's will to make him an IAS officer also increases. Mother wants him to pursue coaching classes in Delhi and Tomthin has been taking modeling classes, apart from his computer courses, and his mother never knew about it. Tomthin falls in love with the successful model Thadoi of the same Modeling Academy and the chemistry ends somewhere in one sided, as unexpressed love. Meanwhile Tomthin did never know about the secret love by his classmate tomboy girl Tomba, with whom Tomthin always treated her as a best friend. Tomthin's father Lanchenba is first class special contractor. He used to meet his son Tomthin often without Ayingbi's knowledge.
