The Lullaby League



Hollywood, 1946: Silver Screen star Vivienne Page is forced to retire at the ripe "old" age of 36. As a sly retort, she marries herself an oilman, buys Manderley, a sprawling Victorian mansion, and installs a gold mosaic Oscar at the bottom of its heart-shaped pool. Vivienne lives the life of a movie star, playing hostess to Hollywood's elite, and when she dies (at a truly ripe and truly old age), she bequeaths both her mansion and her fortune to future generations of women who have been similarly marginalized by Hollywood but not lucky enough to find and marry themselves an oilman. Hollywood, 2016: A group of veteran Hollywood actresses now lives at Manderley, all of them struggling to remain relevant in a town and an industry which still sees them as obsolete, if it even sees them at all. Their quiet lives are upended with the arrival of Tinsel Townsend, a vapid and fame-obsessed reality star, who's has been sentenced to perform community service at the home.
