The Sacrificial Heart
缅甸 / 123 分钟



Sacrificial Heart (2004) offers a rare cinematic glimpse of Burmese culture and history. Kyi Soe Tun, a five-time Myanmar academy award-winning director who has served as the chairman of the Myanmar Motion Picture Organization, draws on the eleventh century history of the Bagan Kingdom to tell a story of war and romance as the prince Kyanzittha falls in love with a Mon queen as he helps her husband defeat invaders. Their romance is depicted with falling flower petals and music, a few moments’ respite amid scenes of bloodshed and clanging swordsmanship. Despairing of her love, Kyanzittha finds comfort with another love when he is sent into exile. Will he and his first love ever be allowed to be together? The film includes comic elements, showing Kyanzittha’s good-humored relationship with his three loyal lieutenants, and making fun of some of the less than kingly kings of the period.