Real Crime: Killed by the Perfect Son
英国 / 60 分钟



Brian Blackwell was the son every parent dreams of having. Charming, confident and extremely clever: straight A grades at A-level meant he was about to embark on a medicine degree. But beneath all of the effortless success, was another story: Brian was gripped by a personality disorder, which made him obsessed with fantasies of power and brilliance. So when the 19-year-old student treated his girlfriend to a holiday of a lifetime in the US, with lobster, truffles and champagne, and a five-star hotel overlooking Central Park,suspicions began to be aroused. How had he found £30,000 to pay for the holiday? And where were his mother and father? The tragic story of how a seemingly "perfect" son took revenge on his parents when they discovered his spending habit was out of control. How he bludgeoned them to death one day; and calmly set off the next on a luxury trip to the States as if nothing had happened.
