Trab Laus
澳大利亚,黎巴嫩 / 10 分钟



Trab Laus ('Tripoli' in Lebanese) is a true story that chronicles a young Australian-Lebanese queer woman who left behind her life of comfort in Sydney for her Nana's almost uninhabitable apartment in Tripoli. This short-animation was created entirely of hand-drawn, ink on paper illustrations, that were scanned and manipulated digitally. All illustrations were based on family portraits or photographs of characters who were integral to creating the film. The geographies and environments are also accurate representations of where the film is set. Trab Laus took over 8 months to create, yet was the most fulfilling project that I have undertaken. It not only gave me an opportunity to explore my heritage, but also to hopefully communicate it with others in a light-hearted and honest manner.