The Princess with Magical Hair



A film based on the traditional Khmer legend of Phnom Sampeou (“Royal Barge Mountain”), this 1992 effort directed by well-known writer Kong Bun Chhoeun is important historically for its part in the first wave of post-Khmer-Rouge Khmer cinema. A prince falls in love with a commoner who was raised by an old sage on an island in a mythical ocean located in present-day Northwestern Cambodia. When the prince's parents insist that he instead marry a princess of a neighboring kingdom with magical powers, the half human/half crocodile “son” of the sage's granddaughter intercedes on his mother's behalf... The movie was shot straight to video and, while featuring far from state-of-the-art effects, includes all the essential elements of a popular Khmer film: magic, romance, attempts at Chinese fantasy kung fu-style fight scenes, and plenty of comedy, and it does possess a certain “heart” and infectious energy.