JFK's Women: Scandals Revealed
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An explosive biography that reveals the real John Fitzgerald Kennedy – a President who was prepared to risk his political career and, at the height of the cold war, his country's security in return for sex. In a terrible irony, as the American Press finally braced itself to reveal the story, the Kennedy assassination in Dallas in November 1963 took his life but saved his reputation. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is still regarded as the most charismatic US President, an icon of modernity cut down in his prime. But the true story of JFK has never been revealed. JFK's Women focuses on his relationships with four 'dangerous' women during his Presidency – Marilyn Monroe, Ellen Rometsch, Mariella Novotny and Judith Campbell. All four were seen as security risks by the FBI, three because of alleged Communist connections, and one because of her close links to senior Mafia bosses.
