巴比伦5号 第一季
Babylon 5:Midnight On The Firing Line
美国 / 44 分钟



During a shift change at the Centauri agricultural colony of Ragesh 3, a fleet of ships emerges from hyperspace and begins attacking the colony. At Earth Alliance Station Babylon 5, Lt. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, new to the station, is in search of Commander Jeffrey Sinclair in the Zocalo. Garibaldi suggests she try the Observation dome, where Sinclair generally goes to be away from the commotion when the dome is on standby. Ivanova finds him there and tells him "There's a problem." Garibaldi is accosted by Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari; the two lightheartedly joke about past Centauri-Human relations before Londo's diplomatic aide, Vir Cotto, arrives with news of the attack on Ragesh 3.
