韩国 / 95 分钟



SYNOPSIS The legend of Mayago of Jiri Mountain tells of a woman discarded by her husband, the god, Banya. Mayago waits for him with much bitterness. One day in the present, Maya uses her powers to transfer herself into a modern woman named Naya. As Naya, she shares a destined love with an art student named Kang Min-wu. Waiting for Min-wu, Naya lives at Mayago's Temple. Then one day, the modern incarnation of Banya comes to the thick forest of Jae-suk Summit with his new girlfriend, Ro Mi-ae, to do some painting. They fall into Mayago's trap who is in her modern incarnation of Naya. In her temple, Mayago as Naya releases hundreds of years of bitterness through love, culminating in ashes. Having lost Banya, Mayago, now possessing Ro Mi-ae, starts to wander the city in search of love. 故事 被遗弃的玛雅Hanmaethin告诉nanggun新板鸭神话吉日玛雅和等待是转变为一个现代女性的穿着我1天玛雅新的风格,等待midaesaeng gangminwoo和划分致命的爱情gangminwoo玛雅和开发计划署后居住。有一天,一个现代化的万尼亚似乎持有jaeseok杆,古树区与画布上AEWA名义新淑女,走玛雅捕获爱情的怨恨来到了几百年导致现代玛雅妇女会看到在大厅完成的灰烬。失去班尼亚的孤独女人在城市成为玛雅,开始爱的流浪。
