Tiny Souls
卡塔尔,法国 / 86 分钟



Four years in the life of a Syrian girl in a refugee camp, in a unique film that is just as lively and curious as its protagonist. When Marwa was 9 years old, she fled with her family from Syria and got stranded in Jordan. They thought they would be in a refugee camp for a few months, but that quickly turned into years. The open-minded and lively Marwa, who describes herself as a free bird, is above walls and barbed wire. Like all other children, she is preoccupied with playing and intrigues, her friends, siblings and school. The Palestinian filmmaker Dina Naser has followed her for no less than four years, and you literally see Marwa grow up from child to young teenager. Conflicts and alliances are a part of everyday life in the camp, but when a malicious rumour about her brother jeopardises her family's future in the camp, the situation takes a new and unexpected turn. 'Tiny Souls' is created at eye level with its wonderful protagonist and is just as lively, attentive and curious as she is. In other words, the pace is fast in Naser's unique debut, but not at the expense of either the attention or the omnipresent seriousness of Marwa's and so many other refugees' situation - quite the contrary.

