Le Ciel, la Terre et l'Homme
德国 / 70 分钟



People from the Moroccan deserts. In the midst of magnificent, lonely and windswept landscapes the Aït Seghrouchen, a nomadic tribe who defy the sandstorms in tents and breed animals, live as they have done since time began. Or perhaps not quite. There are also radio masts guarded by individual men who are glad about contemporary amenities like mobile phones, television, Internet and electricity. The children in the desert listen to the transistor radio with their big brother. The families herd goats and sheep together and sell them on the market, the best for 30 €. A son moved into the nearest town, a sand-coloured cluster of buildings, most of them still built with clay bricks. He is a day labourer and has already earned enough money to buy a plot of land. At the tribe’s great Lemma feast they dance all night and can meet their spirits. Others work in the garbage, sorting the leftovers of tourism in this still untouched-looking area. An ancient cycle of life and nature.
