墨西哥,德国 / 82 分钟



Pamparios is a film that consciously tries to re-invent the strategies of how to film a story – or rather – film it in a completely different fashion, to try to primarily convey its emotional complexities and hardships. By inventing a fictional alter ego of himself, director Florian Seufert puts himself in the position to be at the same time the observed object and the observer. In his very personal ways, Florian Seufert appears to re-imagine the spiritual teachings of Carlos Castaneda and the otherworldly musings of Alejandro Jodorowski. Thus, this filmic out-of-body experience becomes an allegory for cinema itself and a sensorial voyage towards a new way of self-discovery. While shamans connect with the hidden realms of ghosts and their ancestors, the circle of life and death becomes whole once again, Florian, living with the Huichol, sheds his former self like an old and useless skin. Pamparios is a film about (the search for) self-realization. A film like an LSD trip. Like a dream within a dream hidden inside a secret dream. A challenging debut from an extremely promising director.
