中国大陆 / 43 分钟



真实记录了山东平度一位 97 岁的老奶奶,她与 71 岁的女儿一道,靠手工活“草编”养活了一家人的故事...... 草编在平度农村已经有 160 多年的历史,当地百姓几乎家家都依靠草编为生。摄制组在深入农村拍摄期间, 在平度新河镇前高家村偶遇了母女俩。由于丈夫早逝、饥饿、疾病,奶奶生下的七个孩子,夭折了四个。为了 生计,她不得不让女儿放弃上学的机会。女儿不满十岁,就与母亲一道编草编,维持一家生活,顽强地与贫穷 抗争,与草编结下不解之缘。 该片历时一年半时间,以真实记录与电影叙事相结合的方式,通过富有张力的镜头语言,展示母女命运的变化, 社会的变迁...... Straw Weave explores the true life of a 97-year-old granny and her 71-year-old daughter in Pingdu, Qingdao, China, who have managed to feed their family through manual straw weave for the past 60 years. Straw weave has more than 160 years of history in the countryside of Pingdu. Over the past century, many local people have earned their living by weaving straw plaits. During an in-depth interview in the countryside, the crew met the mother and daughter by chance in the Qiangaojia Village, Xinhe town, Pingdu. This centenarian gave birth to seven children, but with her husband's premature death, and sufferings from hunger and diseases, four of them died early. In order to make a living, she had to ask her daughter to give up education. From the age of six, the daughter started helping her mother support the whole family by weaving plaits. Together, they struggled against poverty and became inextricably bound up with straw weave. The film shooting lasted a year and a half, and with the combination of true record and movie narrative, it demonstrates dramatic changes in the fate of the mother and daughter and social vicissitudes through expressive camera language.
