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故事梗概 Synopsis 芸芸众生,会认识谁,都仿佛是冥冥之中的安排,或者仿佛是巧合。女孩在寻另一个她,四个tomboy性格迥异,各自带着不同或者共同的故事而来。。。 We never know who we will meet next. Everything seems as if it’s been arranged by God. Or perhaps these things are just coincidences. The girl in this film is looking for her other she. There are four tomboys with different personalities, but similar stories. 导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director 2011年才坚定了自己热爱实验影像这个事实,拍自己风格的片子,不为了迎合什么才去拍。 In 2011,I developed my work in experimental video, which I love. I make my own style of film and never try to meet commercial demand. 导演阐述 Director’s Statement 本片的故事性在于纵观全片约会见面的情境为主要线索,每一个tomboy讲述自己的故事为主要内容。女孩是缺失的,她的语言也是缺失的,每一个tomboy持有叙述权,没有结局,只有叙述,叙述事实的存在,并且这样形式的处理已经被证实并不会影响人的理解,非但如此这种实验性的方式还给了观众再一次的机会,讲述他们联想到的、思考过的事情本来面目,我会认为很有意思。 Narrative makes up most of the film. During four blind dates, each tomboy tells her story. The lack of good looks and conversation skills on the part of the girls they meet causes the tomboys to intensify their narration. By piecing together several stories and dispensing with an ending, the film works as an experiment that gives the audience an opportunity to enter into an imaginative space alongside the full, original story. This, I think, is an interesting feature of this film.
