Rocket Man: NASA's Welsh Hero
英国 / 48 分钟



在纪念人类首次登月50周年之际,喜剧演员Tudur Owen讲述了威尔士人特温•罗伯茨(Tecwyn Roberts)的精彩故事。Tecwyn离开安格尔西,开始了他的冒险生活,他作为一名航空工程师横渡大西洋,在北美开始了新的生活。 Marking 50 years since the first moon landing, comedian Tudur Owen tells the remarkable story of Tecwyn Roberts - a Welshman who was instrumental in the Apollo missions at NASA. In this special programme, marking 50 years since the first moon landing, comedian Tudur Owen tells the remarkable story of Tecwyn Roberts - a Welshman who was instrumental in the Apollo missions at NASA. From Anglesey to America, we hear just how important Tecwyn’s work was in getting man to the moon. Tudur visits the homes and gets exclusive interviews with three of NASA’s finest engineering legends that worked by Tecwyn’s side, who are as keen as Tudur in getting Tecwyn the recognition he deserves. We learn how the young Tecwyn left Anglesey for a life of adventure, crossing the Atlantic for a new life in North America where he worked as an aeronautical engineer. He went on to become the first Flight Dynamics Officer (FIDO) at NASA, before designing the iconic Mission Control in Houston, and the Deep Space Communication Network that made the moon missions possibile. According to his contemporaries, NASA would not have succeeded if it wasn’t for Tecwyn Roberts. Despite his life in the States and dedication to the job, Roberts never forgot his roots and came back to visit Wales a few times before his death in 1988. On his gravestone a Welsh dragon and the words ‘Rhaid I mi Ddweud Ffarwel’ I must say Farewell’. This documentary features extraordinary, remastered NASA archive film from the 1950s and 1960s, showcasing one of mankind’s finest achievements.
