Ghya Chang Fou
印度 / 115 分钟



Ghya Chang Fou is a dark political satire which identifies itself as an alternative underground film. The film has been made without any support from the mainstream industry and thus in many ways it belongs to the domain of independent film making practice. The film depicts unabashed sex, violence, BDSM acts, extreme political views and incest. The film consciously avoids the glossy look. Instead, it explores with raw and dark images which adds novelty to the film. Ghya-chang-fou literally means 'suddenly beheading' in Bengali. it features thirteen unnamed people gathering in a mansion filled with archaic objects to celebrate what appears to be a communist revolution. Nothing seems real, roads open up to improbable places, places lead to impossible elevators, elevators lift people to unconvincing roads. Bacchanalian spirit steadily overtakes the initial deadpan seriousness.

