Moving Pictures: Filmmakers and the Art of Cinematography
美国 / 106 分钟



As a relatively young art form, the film is always subject to change. Decades ago film cameras were cumbersome situations on a tripod or rail, many variants and aids have since been added: from steady cams and crane shots to feather-light handheld cameras. The digital revolution changed the profession radically - and again not. The cooperation between director of photography and director remains close, professional traditions and visual language remain, and old masters such as Rembrandt form a source of inspiration for many film craftsmen. In an intimate setting, camera people such as Roger Deakins, Vittorio Storaro, Rachel Morrison, Christopher Doyle, Rodrigo Prieto, Matthew Libatique and Mahmoud Kalari talk about their field. World-famous directors such as Ang Lee, Francis Ford Coppola and Wim Wenders also speak frankly about the special relationship with their cameraman or wife. The joint professional experiences, which are not limited to just the technical aspects, are interspersed with illustrative film fragments.
