Camões - Tanta Guerra, Tanto Engano
葡萄牙 / 75 分钟



Four actors in the old convent of Petits Anglais, in the heart of a working-class section of Lisbon. This modernist collage of images and sounds is a theatrical composition of some of the most extraordinary European poetry of the 16th century. Pastoral poems, tavern poems, festive songs, metaphysical chants, lyricism and sensuality, political protest and woman's condition, there is some of everything in the works of Luís Vaz de Camões (a great Portuguese poet of the 1500's, whose masterpiece is the epic poem Os Lusiadas). In this video, which was filmed by a young crew headed by Paulo Rocha, each shot becomes a world to itself, an adventure in which the poetry, the voices, the bodies reinvent themselves in a space which goes beyond the rational. "No mar tanta tormenta, e tanto dano, Tantas vezes a morte apercebida! Na terra tanta guerra, tanto engano, Tanta necessidade avorrecida!"
