Trawniki. School of executioners
美国,俄罗斯 / 59 分钟



In the autumn of 1941 in the small Polish town of Trawniki was established SS training camp by the personal initiative of Heinrich Himmler. The cadets of this camp were, Soviet prisoners of war - exhausted, psychologically crushed, dying of hunger. Nazi recruiters offered them salvation in exchange for consent join the SS. After leaving school, they were placed as guards to death camps -Belzhets, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, Auschwitz. In addition, they 'sanitized' the Jewish ghettos in Lviv, Lublin, Warsaw, and in all the occupied territories. At what point did the human give way to the inhuman? How was their consciousness deformed?.. After the war, many managed to escape prosecution and to normal life, feeling safe. They tried to forget the past - but the past has not gone anywhere. They are remembered by the survivors. Nazi hunters looking for them around the world and have being them to Justice.