Silly Red Shoes
菲律宾 / 87 分钟



In the town of Liliw, there's a legend about a Princess that is loved by her people. Her feet size changes everyday so she can't find a pair of shoes that will fit her feet perfectly. This is why the town people continued making shoes for her. Ashley is a girl with an "alien" pair of feet, it has a lot of callouses and is unsightly. She has a schoolmate, Chuck, a shoemaker. With an outdated pair of shoes and failing business, Chuck is desperate to find a model for his shoes. His last resort was to enlist the help of Ashley and together they join Miss Liliw Shoe Princess 2019. In the course for prepping for the contest and finding the perfect pair of shoes for Ashley, the two of them get close. At the same time, they will also uncover the truth behind the red shoes that was mysteriously given to Ashley which will eventually help Ashley to bring her family closer together.

