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Based on a true story, “Killer Spider” follows a man named Saeed (Mohsen TANABANDEH). He is a forty-year-old mason with a wife (Sareh BAYAT), two children, a bit of a temper and severe religious beliefs. One day his wife is accosted by a taxi driver who assumes she is a sex worker. This incident is the spark that ignites a burning rage that sees him seek revenge. First, on men who he suspects are picking up sex workers but after some bruising encounters, he targets women, especially any he suspects of selling sex. It is all part of his idea of ridding society of all evil. This is disturbing in its style, reminiscent of “Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer” (1986), and also complex. As we follow his killing spree we witness an examination of how morality and misogyny can blind people to the humanity of others as we get a nuanced portrayal of the victims and discover they are victimised by men and made destitute by a society run by men and forced to sell their bodies.

