The Tinderbox
英国 / 91 分钟



Israel and Palestine: time to call time on the conflict? This Doc Feature is an extraordinary, balanced and heart-wrenching examination of the Isreali-Palestinian conflict - never before presented. Ancient and recent history, geopolitical issues, psychology and a deeply personal journey challenge what we think we know. The film looks at both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, from its catalyst to why it still rages, to what needs to happen for it to stop, also showing the human face of this conflict by hearing from a wide variety of contemporary voices, ranging from a Settler to a political member of Hamas. Today, while this conflict still rages, calls to address global racism and colonialism amplify, an American Middle East Peace Plan is in the works, and anti-Semitism and Islamophobia remain as globally controversial as ever, this film will provide context, show how history continues to play out in the daily lives of people on either side of the divide, and will empower.

