Salut & Fraternité
法国 / 67 分钟



Each of René Vautier's films is a pamphlet, a shield for the oppressed and the victims of history, a little war machine in the service of justice. And like weapons in a resistance movement, they are used, exchanged, lent, discarded, destroyed, lost or hidden away and sometimes long forgotten in their cache. His cinema mobilizes a precise, wide-ranging conception of the rights and duties of images: documenting, telling the truth, doing justice, dialoguing with other images and information, contradicting, counter-attacking, convincing. Conceived as a journey through time and films, 'Salut et Fraternité' traces back the itinerary of filmmaker René Vautier, questions the filmmaker's impact on society, putting his experience in perspective with those of other filmmakers: Jean-Luc Godard, Bruno Muel et Yann Le Masson.
