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The clock on the wall disappears. The window is open. The clock might have climbed out of the window. Maybe it runs away from home. You miss the clock a lot. Whenever you see something round, you think of the clock. That's why the trip of finding the clock begins. You walk into the woods. Several trees tell you that they have seen the clock. One of the trees knows why your clock runs away from home. A stone tells you how the clock really feels about its life. You also walk along the river to locate the clock. How amazing time is, you think, yet, how cruel. At least, time treats people fairly. Everybody will grow old. Time beats humans after all. Maybe that's your conclusion. But will you ever find your clock? A clock and a journey connect twelve people. A Stall-keeper, a farmer, a Taiwanese in Japan and his fiancee, a writer who has written "The Runaway Clock", a mysterious woman, a sleepless man, a warmhearted man, a tattooed man, a lady in a red jacket, a clock man, and a man keeps finding the clock. The twelve people are like the twelve numbers (one to twelve) of the clock. They show up one by one. They are like different kinds of passengers on the train. Everyone's travel time is different. It can be long or short. But no matter who he is, he has to get off at the terminal station. That's life.