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My film about criminal organizations in São Paulo, Brazil. The film Morumbi is an unreal, abstract and independent fiction that involves betrayals and deaths within an imaginary criminal faction. The narrative of the film Morumbi is my cry of love in search of profound art, in which life and death meet at every moment. The film Morumbi had no public or institutional funding. And the film Morumbi is an art film and has no commercial, economic or lucrative purpose. The video has no monetization. In my view the photography of a film is the exclusive responsibility of the film's director. This fact makes my films something totally authorial. And the filming locations were also chosen by me. The recording of images, editing and montage of the film followed a plan and counter-plan system. The narrative of the film Morumbi is fatalistic, in which there is no hope, and the main character, Zingaro, presents a world in which death is destiny and everything that is sacred is a shackle, a gallows and dead weight. By force of National Laws and International Treaties it is totally forbidden to download or any other kind of copy of the video and the film Morumbi. The film Morumbi is my homage to my maestro Pier Paolo Pasolini.