德国 / 95 分钟



The four friends Bibiana, Claudio, Harald, and Tamara separated in 1992, but promised themselves to meet each other again on the 30th birthday of each of them, which takes place throughout the year 2000. So the film is basically divided into four sequences related to the four birthday parties, plus additional material cut between these four parts. While the plot proceeds, in principal, according to the timely order of the birthdays, the last birthday (Bibiana's) is presented as the first one, and that's where the "additional material" comes from: This birthday is the most complex one, because Bibiana has, as a young girl, decided for herself "never to get older than 30 years", and she has never ceased from this decision. At the same time, Tamara is far advanced in pregnancy, and so "birthday" is getting a new sense around this particular date.
