Behind Me - Bruno Ganz
德国,瑞士 / 25 分钟



Accent Films International Ltd.出品 Bruno Ganz is a true actor who after many films continues to work on the stage and in the sound studio (recording poetry and literature). No paparazzi and parties for this humble actor as this documentary clearly illuminates. It not only captures Ganz in rehearsal (for 'Faust') and backstage, but also allows him to do some of the shooting, too. "Behind Me" is a must-see for anyone interested in either Ganz' work or acting as a profession. Great behind-the-scenes look into one actor's world and you'll be truly amazed at the end of the film when they discuss how long and difficult the stage role of Faust actually is (the show itself lasts two days, and Bruno was on stage for 2/3 of the show's running time). Not bad for a guy in his 60's.
