美国 / 90 分钟



A knock on the door, and in this seemingly normal night, the life of Professional Gambler, Eddie G was changed. Eddie is taken in for the ride of his life as he unwillingly helps a dirty-psychotic cop, Decker. Decker takes Eddie on a tour of terror while trying to find a meth addict named Worm who has a video tape of an underground fight where everything went awry. Vegasland explores the sin and corruption that lies behind Las Vegas' facade of glitz and glamor. Throughout the night, Eddie is acquainted with underground contacts, a sadistic cripple and the local crime lord - Boss John. Eddie is forced to the edge of his moral capacity, having to do things that no one should be put through. His captor now becomes his partner as he may rely on him for survival. But how will this all end? And what kind of odds is Eddie willing to take when his life is on the line? One thing's for sure, there's no backing out on this one, it's all or nothing.

