WrestleMania XI
Wrestlemania XI
美国 / 146 分钟



1. British Bulldog and Lex Luger vs. Eli Blu and Jacon Blu 6/10 Bad choice for an opener. This was probably not good because none of the wrestlers made it interesting to watch. 2. Double J vs. Razor Ramon 6/10 I was not such a fan of the match these two guys had at the Royal Rumble 1995, but tobe honest that one was better. This match was okay but this not the best from either men, especially Razor Ramon. Razor Ramon wins by DQ. Back to Back bad matches, not good. 3. King Kong Bundy vs. The Undertaker 7/10 This match okay. I ight have been expecting a little better but it was satisfying. The Undertaker barely wins with a knockdown, then a half chokeslam (because Bundy is so heavy), followed by I think a slam. 4. Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Billy Gunn and Bart Gunn (The Smoking Gunns) 8/10 This was satisfying and entertaining to watch after the first few matches. This had a lot of action in it, and those cowboys did pretty well against Yokozuna. The ending is funny because Yokozuna squashes Billy Gunn, and then gets the victory. Yokozuna and Owen Hart are the new WWE Tag Team Champions. 5. Bob Backlund vs. Bret Hart (I Quit Match) 7/10 When I saw this, I was not expecting it to be like the I quit match at the Royal Rumble 1999 between The Rock and Mankind, but I was expecting something in that nature. It turned out to be nothing but Submission. That actually got pretty boring sothat is why it was bad. 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel 8/10 This was an okay/good match. It had a couple good moves (only from Shawn Michaels) and a lot of action. The problem is that it was boring at the beginning but it got better as it continued. It was also REALLY long. It was also funny when Shawn Michaels tosses some camera guy at ringside because he was in his way. 7. Bam Bam Bigalow vs. Lawrence Taylor 7/10 Really bad choice for a final main event. It was an okay match with some good moves from both men. I was a little amazed with Taylor's talent. The end was pretty predictable with Lawrence Taylor winning, I knew they were not going to let him lose. I also think Bam Bam Bigalow was going a little easy on him.

