Marie-Louise ou la permission
法国 / 85 分钟



Marie-Louise aime Jean-Paul et réciproquement, mais Jean aime aussi MarieLouise tandis que Marie aime Jean-Paul. En attendant, Marie-Lo uise attend JeanPaul, troufion, qui arrive de permission. Mais elle se trompe de gare. Et voilà Paris qui bat la mesure d'une course-aventure faite de cris, de rires et de pleurs... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star crossed lovers are the focus of this French romantic comedy. Marie-Louise, an American, has come to Paris to meet her new lover, Jean-Paul who has a weekend pass from his military service post. Unfortunately they misunderstood each other's instructions and are each at different train stations. They begin desperate searches throughout the night to find each other. The are hindered by Jean-Paul's ex-lover Marie, whom he rejected. Marie will do anything to get rid of Marie-Louise and win Jean-Paul back. Marie-Louise has her own problems when Jean falls for her. Jean accidently gets her involved with the police after he is arrested on the suspicion of pickpocketing. Despite their travails, the couple still tries to find each other. In the end, they are assisted by a magical nun who finally reunites them. ~ Sandra Brennan, Rovi

