Buñuel mexican
Un Buñuel mexican
墨西哥,法国 / 56 分钟



This documentary covers the years Luis Bunuel spent in Mexico making over 21 films. In a short time of 57 minutes they brushed over his efforts and sometimes dwelling on his more important films such as my favourite LOS OLVIDADOS (1950) & SIMON DEL DESIERTO (1965). I wished they took more time with what I considered to be Bunuel's best, VIRIDIAN (1961). Bunuel had a wicked way of subtle anarchy against the bourgeois. This is when I preferred him the most because as a viewer you felt you were part of his secret little game in ridiculing the bourgeois and their beliefs with little doses of symbolism. The best being EL (1951), NAZARIN (1958) and THE EXTERMINATING ANGEL (1962), just to name a few. His later films in France tend to be more in your face anarchy with heavy doses of dark humour. They were fine but not as good as his Mexican efforts.
