She Drives Me Crazy
美国 / 88 分钟



Estranged sisters Virginia (Krista Bridges) and Blithe (Melinda Clarke) couldn't be more different. Virginia is a sedate housewife, while Blithe is a glamorous over-the-top party girl. When Virginia's husband dies suddenly, Blithe convinces her to fly across country and visit her. But Blithe has other plans than a simple visit - a road trip in her brand new Corvette convertible with a few special stops along the way, including a high school reunion. Soon Virginia realizes there was more in this road trip from the start than a simple getaway. Blithe, terminally ill, has taken this trip as a "farewell tour," to spend precious time with her estranged sister and to visit the glory of her youth. Through Blithe's road trip, Virginia finds a new self, a confident, forgiving, strong and independent self she never dreamed was there. 维吉尼亚和布莱丝两姐妹非常疏远,维吉尼亚是个沉静的主妇,而布莱丝是个吸引人的、不着边际的女孩。在某天突然失去丈夫的维吉尼亚感到了处理生活琐碎事务的困难,并且对于丈夫的死无法释怀。妹妹力邀姐姐去她的新家做客,姐姐屡次拒绝后终于答应,却没想到妹妹是想带她进行一次小小的旅行。在旅行的途中有几次小小的停留,让维吉尼亚逐渐走出阴影并且与布莱丝的关系逐渐改善。而布莱丝旅行的最终目的是维吉尼亚最抗拒的高中同学会......
