Abbey of Thelema
美国 / 80 分钟



Aleister Crowley, The Beast,666, begins a Thelemic Commune in Cefalu, Sicily. Inspired by a true story,the movie "Abbey Of Thelema" begins with Aleister Crowley living in New York just after World War I. Out of a job, since Germany lost the war,Aleister begins painting and actually receives favorable reviews. One of the models he painted, Leah Hirsig, was painted as a dead soul. Romance evolves and Leah is inaugurated as the Scarlet Woman mentioned in the book of Revelation. Shortly thereafter, Leah finds out she is pregnant and decides to leave with her son from a previous relationship for Switzerland to visit her sister. A couple of months later, short of cash and dodging creditors, Aleister Crowley decides to bid farewell to the Colonies and go back to England. In the meantime, Leah has met a French widow by the name of Ninette Shumway with a three year old son who has been working as a Nanny.

