My Kidnapper
哥伦比亚,英国 / 83 分钟



Six years ago Mark Henderson was kidnapped with seven tourists in Colombia and held by Marxist rebels for three months. Nine months after his release he received an email from his kidnapper; he was on the run, had fled Colombia and was looking for Mark's help. His fiancee - another of Mark's kidnappers - contacted fellow hostage, Reini, a German woman and asked to become her "Facebook friend". Mark and Reini both responded and, in doing so, set the wheels in motion for a journey that would lead them back to the mountains to confront the demons of the past and come face to face with a man and woman who once held the key to their freedom. They alone held all the answers to the hundreds of questions Mark had always had about what happened to him and why. It was now time to meet the kidnapper face to face. After years of planning, in July this year, along with Reini and two Israeli fellow hostages, Mark returned to South America to the place where it all happened, the mountains of northern Colombia, and a clandestine meeting with his kidnapper. My Kidnapper is an emotional and cathartic journey into the past to close this chapter of his life. This film is an exploration of kidnapping, human perseverance in extreme circumstances, the inexplicable bond we have with our kidnapper and eventually of forgiveness.

