Urban Hippie
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The fashion-short movie depicts a young girl's journey to the realms of her deepest imagination. In the first act we experience her feelings of loneliness. She is longing for love, light, the unknown, a world yet to be discovered behind the web that entangles the tender bird of her existence - her desire for freedom is symbolized by the delicate beauty of wings and feathers. When she receives a letter, her day-dreaming is ignited by the anticipation of his love in the form of elements and motions representing thoughts, images of freedom, flying, love, colors, energy, strength - intensifying and finally exploding. This image slowly fades back to a dull surreal scene where she finally awakes. 《Urban Hippie》讲述一位渴望爱、光明和未知的女孩,在收到一封信后,生命被爱情点燃,她在充满色彩、喜悦和力量的梦幻世界中飞行,画面逐渐消褪回到现实,她也随之醒来。短片主题通过片尾字幕“the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”(未来属于坚信梦想之美的人们)表现出来。广告由来自瑞士的青年导演、摄影师Damien Kris执导,他致力于摄影和视频创意剪辑,善于将时尚、梦幻、摄影三者元素进行唯美结合。《Urban Hippie》与《Amphitrite》等短片获得2012年与2013年柏林时尚电影节最佳剪辑奖的提名,旧金山时尚电影节官方认可。