委内瑞拉的玻利瓦尔: 第四次世界大战
Venezuela bolivariana: pueblo y lucha de la IV guerra mundial
委内瑞拉 / 76 分钟



给查维兹一点面子... 4/5 支持拉美左翼革命的人可以看看. Incredible story of Venezuelan Revolution and Chaves the peoples president! "Venezuela Bolivariana" is on of the most incredible documentaries I have ever seen. Its primary focus is on the period from 1989 to 2002 in Venezuela: the revolution and coup. It is as compelling for its story as it is for its politics. This is not your father's documentary: The story is well constructed and engaging. (It kept my 12 year old son on the edge of his seat and gave us a lot to talk about.)A must see for anyone of the left persuasion and perhaps eye opening for moderates and open minded right wingers. The opening spitfire montage is brilliant as is the identifying the cold war and the current globalization period as World War 3 and WW4. The film gives a lot of voice to opposing opinions as it tries to understand the forces that oppose the revolution. Venezuela Bolivariana: People and Struggle of the Fourth World War by Marcelo Andrade Arreaza examines the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela as connected to the world-wide movement against capitalist globalization. The film shows the evolution of the popular movement in Venezuela from the 'Caracazo' riots of 1989 to the massive actions that brought revolutionary president Hugo Chavez back to power, 48 hours after a U.S.-led military coup in 2002. The film ends with an epilogue that show the next steps that the Venezuelan people are taking, not only to fight against the oligarchy and imperialism, but to exercise what is called in the popular movement: Revolution within the Revolution. The focus of this 76 minutes documentary is how the Bolivarian Revolution, thanks to its incredible grassroots and networking power, is a revolution that transcends the national frontiers of Venezuela and contributes with concrete alternatives to the fight against neoliberal capitalism.
